Monday 14 November 2011


Sila isi order form dan tunggu reply dari pihak kami.

Jika anda menghantar 2-3 kali order form menggunakan email yg sama, email itu akan ke depan, dan kami tidak dapat cek order anda dahulu.
Jika ingin menambah order, isi order form baru dan tulis note, (tambahan order)
Booking/reserve is valid for 24 hours je ye.Stock is highly demand therefore, it may possible if I publish morning, by evening its already sold out.

Customer Status:


Email Address:


Postal Code:

Phone no:

Item code and quantity:


Payment Period:

Are you willing to wait for replies from us?

Sila pastikan anda cek SPAM BOX/BOXBE/JUNK MAIL sekiranya tidak mendapat reply order dari DalishaCollectionDC dalam tempoh 36 jam selepas membuat tempahan.

This contact form was created by Freedback.